Guidance Notes on Application for Membership

Membership Entrance Fee and Monthly Subscription ( with effect from 1 January 2018 )

Category of Membership Entrance Fee Subscription
Ordinary Member $ 3,000 $600
Subscriber Member $15,000 $600
Lady Member $ 3,000 $600
Lady Subscriber Member $15,000 $600
Family Subscriber Member $15,000 $1000
Student Member $1,000 $ 60
Student Subscriber Member $1,000 $ 60
Family Sports Member $ 7,500 $1000
Sports Member $ 7,500 $600
Junior Sports Member $ 1,000 $300

Categories of Membership

Ordinary Member – Open to any male person of Indian, Pakistani or Malay origin or descent of 18 years of age or over.

Subscriber Member – Open to any male person other than of Indian, Pakistani or Malay origin or descent of 18 years of age or over.

Lady Member – Open to any female person of Indian, Pakistani or Malay origin or descent of 18 years of age or over.

Lady Subscriber Member – Open to any female person other than of Indian, Pakistani or Malay origin or descent of 18 years of age or over

Family Subscriber Member – Open to any applicant for admission of himself, his lawful spouse and two children under the age of 18 years.

Student Member – Open to any full-time student, below 18 years of age, of Indian, Pakistani or Malay origin or descent of either gender. Automatically becomes an Ordinary Member or a Lady Member on attaining 18 years of age or as soon as he/she ceases being a student, whichever is earlier.

Student Subscriber Member – Open to any student under the age of 18 whose parents are or have become a Subscriber Member and/or a Lady Subscriber Member. Automatically becomes a Subscriber Member or a Lady Subscriber Member on attaining 18 years of age or as soon as he/she ceases being a student, whichever is earlier

Sports Member (Family/Individual) – Open to any male of female of any nationality recommended by the respective Sports Convenor to represent the Club in league sports.

Junior Sports Member – Open to any male or female aged 13-28, of any nationality recommended by the respective Sports Convenor to represent the Club in league sports.

(1) The General Committee will not consider any application for membership unless the relevant entrance fee, together with an advance subscription for three months, has been paid
(2) The Direct Debit Authorisation form is required to be completed and submitted with the application.
(3) The amount will be refunded in full if the application is not approved. The advance subscription will be credited to the successful applicant’s account.
(4) Please enclose 1 recent photograph and a copy of your Hong Kong Identity Card with this application.
(5) All members (except Student Members) are required to spend a minimum of $200 per month on food and beverage at the Club. For family members, the amount covers the whole family rather than individual family members.


Please download forms from below links or contact the IRC office at 2576 6583 for an application form to be faxed to you. Or please pick one up directly from the Club on your next visit.

Membership Application Forms