Revised April 2019
1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………….. 3
2 GENERAL…………………………………………………………….. 3
5 BAR AND CATERING……………………………………………. 9
6 HOUSE………………………………………………………………. 10
7 GROUNDS…………………………………………………………. 11
8 ARTIFICIAL TURF PITCH…………………………………….. 13
9 GYM…………………………………………………………………… 14
10 CRICKET……………………………………………………………. 15
11 TENNIS……………………………………………………………… 16
12 LAWN BOWLS……………………………………………………. 18
13 HOCKEY……………………………………………………………. 24
14 BADMINTON……………………………………………………… 22
15 SOCIAL………………………………………………………………. 24
Television in Bar and Patio……………………………………….. 25
Card and Mahjong Playing……………………………………….. 25
16 CAR PARKING…………………………………………………….. 26
17 GUEST FEE…………………………………………………………. 27
18 CHILDREN…………………………………………………………. 27
19 DRESS CODE………………………………………………………. 28
20 LOCKERS…………………………………………………………… 28
- 1.1 These Bye-laws are issued by the General Committee under Article 18 of the Articles of Association of the Club and may be altered, added, amended or deleted, at the discretion of the General Committee, subject to the overriding powers of the Members to set aside any Bye-laws through a Special Resolution at a General Meeting of the Members of the Club.
- 1.2 A printed copy of these Bye-laws together with a copy of the Club’s Articles of Association should be sent to each member upon joining and shall be binding upon them.
- 1.3 The Articles of Association and these Bye-laws shall together form the basis for the relationship between the Club and Users of the Club. If any inconsistency should arise between the Club’s Articles of Association and these Bye-laws, the former shall take precedence.
- 1.4 Any question as to the interpretation of these Bye-laws shall be left to the discretion of the General Committee whose decision shall be final.
- 2.1 The operating hours of the club and the various facilities shall be determined by the General Committee and notified to Members through club notices. The General Committee may vary the operating hours for special occasions and at their discretion.
- 2.2 The Club premises will be closed during the period when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher is hoisted. If such Signal is lowered between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, the Club will re-open that day within two hours of such Signal being lowered. If such Signal is lowered between 5:00 pm and 7:00 am, the Club will re-open at 9:00 am.
Upon the issuance of a Black Rainstorm Warning, the Club, or some of its facilities, may be closed.
- 2.3 Membership cards must be carried at all times on the Club premises and must be produced upon request by any member of the Management staff or General Committee. In the case of the latter, the Committee Member must first identify himself before requesting for the identity of membership. Guests must be accompanied by a member when visiting the club or using the club facilities.
- 2.4 Members bringing in guests must register them in the Visitors’ Book provided for this purpose and must themselves be present all the time. Members will be responsible for the behaviour and actions of their guests whilst in the club. In the event of a Guest committing misconduct, the Member may be held liable. The Club Management staff has full authority to ask the concerned person(s) to leave the Club premises immediately.
- 2.5 Members and visitors making use of the Club and grounds are expected to exercise reasonable standards of behaviour at all times in the Club premises. The use of foul language is not permitted.
- 2.6 Any Member who through carelessness or otherwise cause damage to the Club’s property shall repair or replace such property at his/her own cost and shall become liable for the amount or value of the property. In the case of a guest, the Member introducing him/her shall be responsible for any such damage.
- 2.7 The adult accompanying children shall be entirely responsible for the safety and general behaviour of the children. Such adults shall further be responsible for ensuring that the children under their care do not cause unnecessary annoyance to others using the Club.
- 2.8 The Club will accept no responsibility whatever for any injury, loss or damage sustained by Members, Guests or other persons whilst they or their property are on the Club premises.
- 2.9 Professional coaching or tuition for a fee or any form of award may only be carried out with prior approval of the General Committee. All charges and the manner of payment shall be determined or approved from time to time by the General Committee, either generally or on a case by case basis.
- 2.10 Dogs or pet animals shall not be permitted in the Club House.
- 2.11 The discharge of fireworks, including Chinese fire crackers, shall be strictly prohibited throughout the Club buildings and grounds.
- 2.12 Members shall not be allowed to operate, adjust or tamper with any electrical equipment in the Club unless authorised to do so by the Hon. Secretary or the House Convenor.
- 2.13 Suggestions for the improvement of the amenities of the Club are welcome by the General Committee at all times. Suggestions should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary.
- 2.14 Members and visitors are not permitted for whatever reasons, to reprimand any member of staff for alleged misconduct, or otherwise, or attempt to countermand any instruction given to staff by the Management or interfere with staff in the execution of their duties. Any complaints shall be reported in writing to the Hon. Secretary who, on the advice of the General Committee, shall take such appropriate measures as are necessary to meet the situation.
- 2.15 All complaints or suggestions shall be duly signed and addressed in writing to the Hon. Secretary of the Club. Anonymous complaints will not be entertained.
- 2.16 The respective Convenor or Sub-Committee shall report any person who wilfully contravenes these Bye-laws to the General Committee for action to be taken against the offender under Article 70.
- 2.17 Smoking is only permitted in the designated areas of the Club as determined by the General Committee.
- 2.18 The General Committee may impose fines for any breach of these Bye-laws.
- 2.19 Absent Members, Members in default of payments whose names have been posted on the Club Notice Board and former Members removed under Article 68 may not enter the Club as guests or visitors.
- 2.20 Members are required to update the General Office in writing of any changes to information provided to the Club. This should include but is not limited to changes in contact details and in case of family members, changes in marital status , etc.
3.1 Convenors of sports sections shall, as soon after the Annual General Meeting as possible, convene a meeting for the purpose of electing a Sub-Committee to serve in the section. Sub-Committees of each sports section shall consist of the Convenor, three Members of the Club, one of whom shall be a Member of the General Committee, together with the Captains of each of the teams entered in the local leagues.
- 3.2 Sub-Committees of each non-sports section shall consist of the Convenor and at least three Members of the Club, one of whom shall be a Member of the General Committee, but such Sub- Committee shall not consist of more than ten members, inclusive of the Convenor.
- 3.3 The names of the members serving on the Sub-Committees shall be submitted in writing by each Convenor to the General Committee for approval at their first Meeting following the Annual General Meeting. Such submissions must be filed with the Hon. Secretary at least four days before the Meeting of the General Committee.
- 3.4 Each Sub-Committee at the beginning of the season, shall submit an “estimate of funds” required for the upkeep of its respective section of sports, to the General Committee for approval. Such sums approved shall not be exceeded, but the amount may be brought up for review in mid-season, if necessary.
- 3.5 The Sub-Committee of each section of sports, through the Club Manager, shall be responsible for all gear and equipment purchased during the season. Being the property of the Club, an inventory shall be kept of all these articles.
- 3.6 Each Convenor shall render an inventory of all gear and equipment to the General Committee at the beginning of a season. Such inventory shall be checked in conjunction with the Hon. Treasurer and the Grounds or House Convenors concerned, at the end of the season. Articles shall not be written off unless approved by the General Committee.
- 3.7 The Convenors of each section of sports shall not automatically become captains in their respective sports.
- 3.8 The Convenors of each section shall take the Chair at their respective Sub-Committee Meetings and shall be responsible for
filing a report with the Hon. Secretary within three days of such meetings, of all the business transacted thereat. Such reports shall be filed for record purposes and circulated where necessary for the information of the General Committee.
3.9 The Convenors of each section shall file a notice of their respective Sub-Committee meetings with the Hon. Secretary at least 48 hours before the meeting is convened for the information of the General Committee. The Officers of the Club shall be ex-officios of all Sub- Committee meetings.
4.1 Sub-Committees shall have the powers to:
- (a) decide on the number of teams to be entered in Association League matches and/or friendly matches with other clubs’ subject to the approval of the General Committee;
- (b) appoint and invite Captains and Vice Captains for each team if necessary;
- (c) select representative teams with the assistance of the respective Captains;
- (d) decide the days of the weeks when the court/green/grounds shall be opened/closed; (Notice of such decision to be appropriately displayed at the grounds and on the Clubs Notice Board)
- (e) decide on the opening/closing hours of the court/green/grounds; (Notice of such decision to be
appropriately displayed at the grounds and on the Club Notice Board)
(f) reserve court/green/grounds for special games or competitions;
- 5.1 Food, provisions, wines and liquors shall not be brought into the Club Premises for consumption. For special occasions where outside food or beverages need to be brought into the club for consumption, members must seek the prior approval of the Bar Convenor or the Hon. Secretary.
- 5.2 Wines or liquors brought into the Club for consumption shall be subject to a corkage charge, the rate of which shall be determined by the Bar Sub-Committee with the approval of the General Committee.
- 5.3 The prices of refreshments and all other drinks shall be regulated from time to time by the Bar Sub-Committee upon prior approval of the General Committee.
- 5.4 A price list of all food and drinks items shall be available at all times at the Bar and Dining Room for information of members.
- 5.5 Snacks may be consumed in the bar; however the consumption of meals in the bar is not permitted.
- 5.6 All members must present their Membership Card before ordering drinks and food. The member’s card will be kept at the bar counter and returned to the member when the bill is signed.
- 5.7 The Bar Convenor shall, in conjunction with the Club Manager, regulate the working hours of the Bar and Kitchen staff.
- 5.8 Dress may be casual but anyone participating in energetic sports will be expected to shower and change subsequent to any game before entering the bar and dining room at any time.
- 5.9 Sports bags must not be placed on the sofa or chairs/tables in the Bar or Dining Room. This causes inconvenience to other users of the club facilities.
- 5.10 No alcoholic beverages shall be served to any person who is under 18 years of age.
- 5.11 Children under 16 years of age are not allowed to stay in the Bar.
- 6.1 The House Convenor, through the Club Manager, shall be responsible for the condition and repairs to the Club House, furniture, fittings, appliances, etc.
- 6.2 The House Convenor, through the Club Manager, shall see that the Club House, patio and court-yard are in a neat, sanitary, orderly and presentable state and shall take all necessary steps to ensure the Club staff carry out this work.
- 6.3 The Club Manager shall regulate the working hours of the House staff.
- 6.4 Under no circumstances shall Members order the House staff to perform personal errands outside the Club’s premises.
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- 6.5 The Ladies Changing Room shall be “Out of Bounds” to all male Members, male visitors and male children over five years of age.
- 6.6 Boys aged 5 or over are not permitted in the Ladies Changing Room. Girls aged 5 or over are not permitted in the Men’s Changing Room.
- 6.7 The Kitchen shall be “Out of Bounds” to all Members and guests.
- 6.8 The roof of the Club House and the staff quarters shall be “Out of Bounds” to all Members and guests.
- 6.9 The washing of footwear in the shower or hand basins is not permitted.
- 6.10 Clothes must not be washed in the hand basins.
- 6.11 The Club Manager shall maintain an inventory of all Club furniture,
fittings, appliances, gear and equipment and be responsible for their maintenance.
- 6.12 Members leaving articles in the Club premises shall do so at their own risk. The Club shall not be responsible for loss of or damage to any such articles.
- 6.13 Members shall not hang their clothings overnight in the changing room. Any clothing found will be collected by the Club staff first thing in the morning and if not claimed within 48 hours, will be discarded as unwanted materials.
7.1 The Club Grounds shall include the Lawn Bowls Green, the Tennis Courts and the Artificial Turf Pitch.
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- 7.2 The Grounds Convenor, with the assistance of his Sub-Committee, shall decide on the opening and closing of the Grounds. In the event that a League Game is scheduled then the Sports Convenor concerned shall decide.
- 7.3 Closing of the Lawn Bowls Green and/or Artificial Turf Pitch will be indicated by sign(s) displayed on the grounds.
- 7.4 The Grounds Convenor shall, in conjunction with the field games Convenors concerned, regulate the working hours of the Grounds staff.
- 7.5 The Grounds Convenor shall, with the assistance of his Sub- Committee, exercise such supervision as is necessary over the work of the Grounds staff.
- 7.6 Under no circumstances shall Members order the Grounds staff to perform personal errands outside the Club’s premises.
- 7.7 The flying of kites, drones and riding of bicycles, tricycles etc. shall not be permitted on the Club grounds or inside the Club House.
- 7.8 It is strictly forbidden to pick flowers, throw stones, rubbish or indulge in other childish pranks whilst at the Club.
- 7.9 Parents of children who have broken, damaged or disfigured any Club property shall either replace such damaged property or pay for the cost of such replacement on demand by the Hon. Treasurer.
- 7.10 The Club Manager shall ensure that an inventory record is kept of all grounds gears and equipment and ensure that they are properly maintained and serviced. The Club Manager through the grounds staff will be responsible for issuing and returning for storage all gear and equipment used by the sports sections.
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7.11 Members leaving articles (such as lawn bowls, shoes, tennis rackets, etc.) in the Club store house and grounds shall do so at their own risk. The Club shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to any such articles.
- 8.1 The pitch hire charges and floodlight charges are payable at rates decided by the General Committee from time to time.
- 8.2 Appropriate footwear (clean rubber-soled sports shoes, football studded boots or moulded boots or hockey type moulded astro shoes) must be worn on the pitch. Metal studs are not permitted.
- 8.3 Smoking is not permitted on any part of the pitch.
- 8.4 Players must not change on the grass area or the patio; they must use the Changing Rooms in the club house.
- 8.5 Users of the facility shall be suitably attired and observe a minimum dress standard of shorts and T-shirt.
- 8.6 No food or refreshment is permitted on the facility. Water, however, may be consumed.
- 8.7 The Manager shall cause maintenance of the facility to be carried out regularly and in any case not less than once a week.
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- 9.1 All members and individual users are responsible for obtaining their own safety training before using any equipment in the gym. Members are hereby notified that the use of any equipment in the gym is entirely at their own risk. The Club will not be held responsible for any injury caused by use of the gym equipment.
- 9.2 All persons must sign the Attendance Record on entry to the gym.
- 9.3 Guests are not allowed in the gym.
- 9.4 Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to use the gym.
- 9.5 Only gym shoes, tennis shoes or trainers may be worn in the gym.
- 9.6 Users of the gym shall be suitably attired and observe a minimum dress standard of shorts, T-shirt and appropriate foot wear.
- 9.7 No food is permitted in the gym. Water, however, may be consumed.
- 9.8 Users must provide and use a personal towel when lying or sitting on gym equipment and must wipe down and clean the equipment after use.
- 9.9 Weights must be used in a controlled manner and must not be bounced or dropped and in the case of freestanding weights they must be returned to their correct storage area following use.
- 9.10 The Manager shall cause proper cleaning of the facility to be carried out regularly and in any case not less than three times a week.
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- 9.11 No bags or personal belongings of any kind are permitted to be brought/left in the gym; all personal belongings may be stored/left in the appropriate changing rooms/lockers.
- 9.12 The Manager shall cause proper equipment maintenance to be carried out regularly and, in any case, not less than once per week.
- 10.1 The Cricket Convenor, with the advice of the Cricket Sub- Committee, shall recommend to the General Committee the number of teams to be entered in the Hong Kong Cricket Association Leagues and shall select the players for all representative, league or friendly games.
- 10.2 The Cricket Convenor, or in his absence, a Senior Member on the Cricket Sub-Committee or any member of the Cricket Sub- Committee having obtained the prior consent of the Cricket Convenor, shall have the power to close practice sessions whenever he deems the conditions unfit for practice.
- 10.3 If practice sessions cannot be arranged in the Club premises, the Cricket Convenor may arrange practice sessions at another suitable venue and the Club shall bear the costs of hiring such facilities subject to the approval of the General Committee.
- 10.4 The cricket net hire charges and floodlight charges are payable at rates decided by the General Committee from time to time.
- 10.5 Non-members shall only be allowed to play provided Article 64 governing the number of visits by non-members per month/year has not been contravened.
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- 10.6 Cricket shall not be played in the immediate vicinity of the Club House.
- 10.7 Cricket shall be practiced only at the nets or on the Artificial Turf Pitch.
- 10.8 Children shall not be permitted to play with cricket bats and balls in the Club premises and grounds without supervision by an adult member or an approved person.
- 11.1 The Tennis Convenor, with the advice of the Tennis Sub- Committee, shall recommend to the General Committee the number of teams to be entered in the Hong Kong Tennis Association League and shall select the players for all representative, league or friendly games.
- 11.2 The Tennis Convenor, or in his absence, a Senior Member of the Tennis Sub-Committee or any member of the Tennis Sub- Committee having obtained prior consent of the Tennis Convenor shall have the power to declare any courts closed whenever he deems it/them unfit for play; and notice to this effect shall be considered as being served by written or verbal instructions to the Club Manager or the Club Steward.
- 11.3 Court hire charges and floodlight charges are payable at rates decided by the General Committee from time to time.
- 11.4 Players must wear proper tennis attire and NON-MARKING rubber-soled shoes (without heels) when playing tennis.
- 11.5 Players must wipe their shoes using the mat before they enter the courts.
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- 11.6 Smoking is not allowed inside the courts.
- 11.7 Drinks (except water), food, glasses and chairs are not allowed to be brought into the courts.
- 11.8 Players must not use more than 6 tennis balls for one court except for approved coaching activities.
- 11.9 Persons wearing leather shoes or high heeled shoes are not allowed to enter the courts.
- 11.10 Children under the age of 10 are not permitted to enter or play tennis on any of the courts unless accompanied by an adult or the Club’s Tennis Coach.
- 11.11 Players, waiting for their turn, must wait outside the courts.
- 11.12 Court bookings are divided into day sessions and evening sessions.
- 11.13 All day sessions are free of charge for members. A fee is payable for usage of courts during the evening sessions (i.e. with floodlights). Members are allowed to bring guests for either or both sessions on payment of the prescribed guest fees.
- 11.14 Sessions shall be hourly, except as stated in Bye-law 11.16.
- 11.15 An Open Court System will be maintained for Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm in summer (April to October) and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm in winter (November to March).
- 11.16 During the operation of the Open Court System, only doubles play is allowed unless there are empty courts and no one waiting. Each
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session must not exceed 45 minutes for each court, but they can occupy a court again when their turn next come by rotation.
11.17 Players are recommended not to use the courts when they are wet. The Club accepts no responsibility for any injuries or accidents that may occur.
11.18 Non-members shall only be allowed to play provided Article 64 governing the number of visits by non-members per month/year has not been contravened.
- 11.19 Bookings: Advance booking may be made in person or by telephone, at the Club Office,giving the Member’s Account Number, seven days in advance on Monday – Friday, except Public Holidays. However, priority will be given to Club Team Practices, and League Matches. A “No Show” charge of $100.00 for Members will be levied for failing to turn-up for their booking, unless 24-hours cancellation request is made to the Club.
- 11.20 A member is eligible to make advance-booking once on each day (for one-hour), but may make booking for another hour, provided he/she has used up the previous booking.
- 12.1 The Lawn Bowls Convenor, with the advice of the Lawn Bowls Sub-Committee, shall recommend to the General Committee the number of teams to be entered in the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association League and shall select the players for all representative, league or friendly games.
- 12.2 Players selected for a particular team shall represent the club in that team irrespective of the division of the HKLBA league that the team is entered. Players will be informed, at the start of the league
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season, the team they have been selected in and are expected to give priority to playing for that team throughout the season.
- 12.3 The Lawn Bowls Convenor, or in his absence, a Senior Member of the Lawn Bowls Sub-Committee or any member of the Lawn Bowls Sub-Committee, having obtained prior consent of the Lawn Bowls Convenor, shall have the power to declare the green closed whenever he deems it unfit for play; and notice to this effect shall be considered as being served by the display of the “Green Closed” signboard at the green.
- 12.4 The Grounds Supervisor is the person with the authority to determine the need for changing the direction of the lanes as conditions justify, normally about once a fortnight.
- 12.5 Any objection to the changes made by the Grounds Supervisor must be raised with the Lawn Bowls Convenor, who will decide after consultation with the Grounds Supervisor to accept or reject the objection.
- 12.6 Not more than 4 lanes will be open on practice days on Thursdays. Floodlights will only be switched on if 8 or more players are practicing at the time. Only members of the Club are permitted to use the green on practice days (i.e. no guests).
- 12.7 The senior most member of the Lawn Bowls Sub-Committee present at the time or, in the absence of any Lawn Bowls Sub- Committee members, the captain of a lawn bowls team, may decide to close or open additional lanes on practice nights as conditions justify.
12.8. The green will be closed on Monday and Friday. If Monday is a public holiday, it will remain open and closed the next working day. If Friday is a public holiday, the green will remain open. On
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Sunday and Public Holiday it will open at 12:00 noon. On other days, it will open at 2:00 pm.
- 12.9 If a lane is closed for maintenance or other reasons, no member will be allowed to use the lane. Any objection to the closure should be raised with the Club Manager, who will consult with the Lawn Bowls and Grounds Convenor for a decision on the closure.
- 12.10 Only proper lawn bowls shoes or shoes with flat under-sole and no groove are allowed on the green. Anyone observed not wearing proper shoes, or contravening other bye-laws, will be asked by the Convenor, or in his absence, by a senior player, to stop using the green. If the matter cannot be resolved, the Club Manager shall have the authority to deal with it.
- 12.11 Children under the age of 10 shall not be permitted to play with lawn bowls woods on the green.
- 12.12 Charges for the use of the lawn bowls green and floodlights are payable at rates decided by the General Committee from time to time.
- 12.13 Non-members shall only be allowed to play provided Article 64 governing the number of visits by non-members per month/year has not been contravened.
- 12.14 Non-member must be in the company of the member for the duration of play.
- 12.15 Not more than two rinks will be allocated to guests at anyone time.
- 12.16 Only members may use the club green as the home green for National Competitions. All players must be members of the Club.
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12.17 Entries to National Competitions must be by Club members. Non- members are not permitted to join through the Club.
- 13.1 The Hockey Convenor, with the advice of the Hockey Sub- Committee, shall recommend to the General Committee the number of teams to be entered in the Hong Kong Hockey Association League and shall select the players for all representative, league or friendly games.
- 13.2 Hockey is permitted to be played only on the Artificial Turf Pitch.
- 13.3 The Sub-Committee shall have the power to designate certain day/hours of the week for practice by the Club’s team and only members who have been invited to such practice shall be allowed to take part.
- 13.4 If practice sessions cannot be arranged in the club premises, the Hockey Convenor may arrange practice sessions at another suitable venue and the club shall bear the costs of hiring such facilities subject to the approval of the General Committee.
- 13.5 The hiring charges for the use of the Artificial Turf Pitch for hockey are payable at rates decided by the General Committee from time to time.
- 13.6 Non-members shall only be allowed to play provided Article 64 governing the number of visits by non-members per month/year has not been contravened.
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- 14.1 The Badminton Convenor, with the advice of the Badminton Sub- Committee, shall recommend to the General Committee the number of teams to be entered in the Hong Kong Badminton Association league and Tournaments and shall select the players for all representative, league and friendly games.
- 14.2 The Sub-Committee shall have power to designate certain days / hours of the week for practice by the Club’s team and only members who have been invited to such practice shall be allowed to take part.
- 14.3 Sessions may be booked in person at the Manager’s Office or by telephoning the office between the hours of 9:00 am and 10:00 pm.
- 14.4 Sessions may only be booked up to one week in advance. It is not permissible to book sessions on behalf of another player. The name and membership number of the member shall be recorded on the booking register.
- 14.5 It is not permissible for a singles player to book consecutive sessions, or for one singles player to book a session and his/her opponent to book the following session in order that they may play two or more consecutive sessions. If there is no prior booking for a second or third session, the players may continue to use the court.
- 14.6 When activities authorised by the Club Management extend beyond the allotted session time, they shall have priority over the personal bookings.
- 14.7 If a booked facility is not being used within 10 minutes after commencement of a session, by the player booked or a Member who is a partner or opponent of the player booked, the booking may be cancelled (in which case it shall be deemed to be a no-show) and the other players may use the facility for that session.
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- 14.8 It is permissible to book two consecutive sessions for non-singles play provided the names of two of the players are used.
- 14.9 Members can book a maximum of two sessions on any one day.
- 14.10 Professional coaching for players must be arranged only with coaches approved or appointed by the Management or the General Committee. A fee may be levied at the discretion of the Committee.
- 14.11 The time given by the clock in the badminton hall shall be the official time in the event of any dispute on timing.
- 14.12 Players must wear appropriate badminton clothing (no vests or singlets are allowed for men) and suitable badminton or sports shoes without heals and with non-marking soles.
- 14.13 The following shall apply to cancellations:
- (a) A booking which is subsequently not required must be cancelled at the earliest opportunity.
- (b) Bookings may be cancelled through the Manager’s Office either in person or by telephone between the hours of 9:00 am and 10:00 pm.
- (c) Cancellation of a booking with less than 24 hours before a booked session (which shall be deemed to be a no-show) may render the member concerned liable to pay a no-show fine.
- 14.14 Management reserves the right to cancel any booking if the badminton hall is required for a Club function or an outdoor social function affected by inclement weather. In such circumstance, Management will inform the member at the earliest convenience.
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14.15 Non-members shall only be allowed to play provided Article 64 governing the number of visits by non-members per month/year has not been contravened.
14.16 To avoid any accident which can be serious if a person is hit by a badminton racquet, no other activity shall be allowed in the Club hall when the court is open for play. Parents should ensure that their children do not walk too close to the badminton court when play is in progress, as neither the Club nor the players can be held responsible for any injury sustained by non-participants.
- 15.1 The Social Convenor shall obtain prior approval of the General Committee before organising a social function in the Club.
- 15.2 A Statement of Income and Expenditure (supported by receipts and vouchers) shall be prepared by the Social Convenor supported by the Social Sub-Committee and submitted to the General Committee at its first meeting in the month following that in which the social function was held.
- 15.3 The net income from each social function shall be handed over to the Hon. Treasurer as soon after that function as possible; such net income to be shown in a separate account.
- 15.4 The net income or net loss of a social function shall be transferred to the Club’s general account at the end of each fiscal year.
- 15.5 All donations in cash or in kind towards any social function shall be acknowledged by the Social Convenor or the Hon. Treasurer and credited to the account of that function.
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- 15.6 When private functions held at IRC are expected to run longer than the closing time of the Club, the party organiser is required to inform the Club Manager or the duty Club Steward before 10:30 pm of the same evening so that arrangements can be made for the Club Steward to stay behind for late lock-up, subject to a maximum of three hours only.
- 15.7 The charges for the overtime for Club Stewards and F&B staff are HK$300 per hour or part of an hour subject to a minimum of one hour. The overtime rate may be varied by the General Committee from time to time.
Television in Bar and Patio
- 15.8 Only sports events (including horse racing) and local news can be viewed, with sports events taking priority.
- 15.9 Members and Guests are not permitted to operate or touch the system in any manner or form.
- 15.10 The operation of the appliances and sound system is the responsibility of the Club Staff and Committee Members duly authorised by the General Committee.
- 15.11 The sound volume must be kept at a level as not to disturb others.
Card and Mah-jong Playing
- 15.12 Two rooms have been provided for the playing of cards and mah- jong. Members who wish to use the rooms for the purpose should book with the Club Manager in advance.
- 15.13 There is no charge for members. A fee will be charged for a guest. The Guest Fee will be determined by the General Committee from time to time and will be announced through club notices.
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- 15.14 When booking the card/mah-jong room, members should inform the Club Manager the number of guests invited. The Member’s account will be charged accordingly.
- 15.15 Members and guests using the rooms shall refrain from using foul language and making unnecessary noise causing annoyance and inconvenience to others.
- 15.16 Children shall not be permitted in the rooms when card/mah-jong playing is taking place.
- 15.17 Children under 18 years of age shall not be permitted to play mahjong or card games.
- 16.1 The Club has limited car parking spaces for Members. Members who park their cars in the car park shall do so at their own risk. Members shall pay the appropriate car-parking fee which is stipulated on the Club’s Notice Board.
- 16.2 Members who wish to park a vehicle in the car park must obtain a valid Car Park Label (issued free of charge) and permanently display such Label upon such vehicle at all times when using the car park. Parking labels are not transferable. Proof of ownership of the vehicle is required before a car-park label is issued.
- 16.3 Members must be in the Club premises during the period their car is parked in the Club. Members are not permitted to use the car park for the sake of convenience, e.g. shopping or visiting other facilities in the vicinity.
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- 17.1 Members who wish to bring guests to participate in any game in the Club premises shall have to pay a “Guest Fee” to cover the particular game in which the guest plays. If the guest plays another type of game, a second “Guest Fee” shall be paid.
- 17.2 The amount of “Guest Fee” shall be decided by the General Committee.
- 17.3 The guest fee will be charged to the Member’s account.
- 18.1 Children of Members or visitors, other than Family and Associate Members of the Club, shall not be permitted to make use of the Club’s recreational facilities, unless accompanied by their parents. Parents shall be responsible for their children’s behaviour in the Club House and grounds and shall be liable to the Club for any damage, disturbance or annoyance caused by their children.
- 18.2 Members or visitors bringing children to the Club shall see to it that:
- (a) the children do not endanger themselves by getting too near to a ball game in progress;
- (b) the children do not participate in games within or in the vicinity of the Club House;
- (c) the children do not get on to the roof of the Club House;
- (d) the children do not climb on or tear down any trees or plants at the Club grounds.
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- 19.1 All Members and guests must observe an appropriate standard of dress at all times in the Club premises.
- 19.2 Persons must wear footwear when entering the club and whilst on the Club premises. In this context, flip-flops (does not apply to ladies’ slippers) are strictly forbidden where both entry and/or service will be refused by the Club staff.
- 19.3 Whilst training kit (trainers & vests) is allowed on the Club premises, entry to the Bar/Dining Room is not allowed. Soiled clothing and sleeveless shirts or singlets for Men are not permitted in the Bar/Dining Room.
- 19.4 Persons in sweaty or wet sports attire are not permitted to sit or remain at length in the Bar/Dining Room. Persons must not remove their footwear or rest their legs on the chairs/bar stools in the Bar/ Dining Room.
- 20.1 A limited number of lockers are provided in the Gent’s Changing Room, the Ladies’ Changing Room and at the Lawn Bowls Green for the benefit of Members at a fee to be determined from time to time by the General Committee. Vacant lockers are available from time to time and those who wish to hire them may contact the Club Manager.
- 20.2 The Club shall not be responsible for the safe custody of locker keys once they are issued. Members not having a locker are advised to deposit valuable articles with the Club Manager/Steward for safe custody.
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- 20.3 The Club shall not be responsible for the damage to or the loss of any articles left in the Changing Rooms.
- 20.4 Lockers are provided to store sports gears. The Club shall not be responsible for any damage to items inside lockers.
- 20.5 Members are not allowed to change the lock on lockers unless prior approval has been obtained from the Club Manager.
- 20.6 Members who have resigned or leaving Hong Kong for more than a year are required to surrender their locker to the Club for other users.
- 20.7 The Club will notify defaulters who had been struck off the membership register, to remove the contents in his/her locker and if this is not done within one week, the Club reserves the right to open the locker and discard the contents as unwanted materials.