IRC Annual General Meeting 2021

Indian Recreation Club / Notice Board  / IRC Annual General Meeting 2021

IRC Annual General Meeting 2021

To All Voting Members,

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Indian Recreation Club will be held on Tuesday 30 March 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the AGM held on 27 March 2020.
  2. To receive the Annual Report.
  3. To pass the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020. 
  4. As special business, to consider and, if thought fit, pass a proposal of the General Committee to elect Ms Sabilla Kadir and Mr. Yau Chor Kin, Senior Members, as Life Members.
  5. To elect Officers and Committee Members for the year 2021/2022.
  6. To appoint Auditors for the year 2021/2022.
  7. To appoint Legal Advisers for the year 2021/2022.
  8. To transact any other business of the Club provided at least 21 clear days’ notice of the intention to raise a particular subject has been given, in writing, to the Hon. Secretary before the date of the Annual General Meeting. 

By Order of The General Committee

Sarinder Dillon

Hon. Secretary

Nomination Form for General Committee 2021-22 (PDF, 71KB)

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